December 16, 2017


There are a variety of options to fix slow Mac performance. For a quick check of memory problems, first open Activity Monitor. Click Quit to select the issue you’re having trouble with. It is possible to stop the process if it takes over a lot of memory. Alternately, you could use the System Memory tab to check whether there are other process that is slow running within your Mac.

Another possible cause for your computer’s performance being slow is CPU. You should close any program that uses overly much CPU. To do this, open the Activity Monitor and mac catalina slow click on the “X” button beneath the tiny window’s buttons. If you’re not certain the apps that are using up excessive CPU power Try an Google search on the apps. This should give you a pretty good idea of which applications are causing your Mac to be slow.

Your Mac might also become slower if it has too many applications. Too many applications consume the entire memory of your computer, which makes the operating system slow. Try deleting files that you’re not using or move them to a different drive. Start Activity Monitor to see a list of running processes within your Mac. There should be a couple of errors – this is an indication that you’re using more than one application in parallel.

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